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Cockroaches, Roach

Just about everyone knows what a cockroach looks like; they are everywhere. While it is often jokingly stated that if anything could survive a nuclear war, it would be a cockroach, the idea is clear - they are real survivors.


There are over 4,000 different varieties of cockroaches, but only about thirty of them can comfortably live with humans. This number can be further reduced to include only four varieties; the main species that cause problems in homes and businesses in America.


The four main species are the American, German, Asian, and Oriental cockroaches. These vary in size from about 1/2" (German), up to 2" (American). In America, the species that is most common in homes would most likely be the German variety.Cockroaches increase in population at a very rapid rate. The German cockroach female lives about 200 days. Each egg case that she lays includes thirty to fifty eggs. In her lifetime, she will produce between four to six egg cases. German cockroaches are clearly able to thrive.


Cockroaches are nocturnal and can live up to a month with little or no food. They can also survive by eating book bindings, furniture, glue, soap, dead insects, shoe linings, and more.


The presence of cockroaches can also lead to health problems, annoy customers, and the assumption of unsanitary conditions. 










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