Complete Facility Solutions for Pest Management
AuditComplete℠ was designed specifically for inspected facilities. Inspected facilities obviously need a great pest prevention program, but you need a strong data management program as well. Many companies provide “pest control”, but fall short on the documentation, reporting, and pest prevention in your facility.
One of Regions Pest’s strengths is creating, implementing and using automated trend analysis. Using trend analysis to identify upcoming pest issues or finding a solution to a current pest issue is very effective and proactive for your facility. Trend analysis reporting is provided in graph form to easily recognize patterns.
Every portion of your facility will be bar-coded, this will allow for instant reporting. These reports can show past services, including products used which are linked to product labels and SDS.
Master Service Schedule - Every phase of your facility has a schedule and scope of service. This will ensure no areas are over looked and all parties involved fully understand the pest prevention program.
Technology - All Region Pest service technicians are equipped and trained with the latest technology. Handheld computers are the foundation of our technology platform; we use these devices to record endless amounts of data.
With AuditComplete℠ you and your facility are ready for any inspection at any time. AuditComplete℠ is designed to have your facility always inspection ready. Each time your service technician completes a service, you are ready for: regulatory agencies, customer, or in-house audits.
Data - All your information can be accessed by our user friendly customer portal available 24/7

The Most Advanced Auditing System
We have the know-how that you need

Training Records
We will provide in-house training and electronically file training records.

All pesticide labels and SDS are on file. Records are update with most recent manufactures information. Approved pesticide list is also stored in this area.

Service Request
We will provide in-house training and electronically file training records.

Corrective Actions
Regions Pest provides detailed conducive conditions reports with high quality resolution pictures. Your service technician is on their hands and knees, in ceilings, on roofs and under equipment so they can spot issues you may not easily find.

Trend Analysis
Create reports to identify and eliminated pest activity. Reports are also reviewed for conducive condition, corrective actions, and device activity in graphical form.

Automated Emails
All inspections can be automatically reviewed by any party. This includes plant operations, corporate and executives. If the appropriate actions are not taken on any given documented deficiency, the next level of management is notified. This unique feature allows for complete compliancy.

Robust Reporting
Every portion of your facility will be electronically monitored, this will allow for instant reporting. These reports can show past services, including products used which are linked to labels and SDS, devices, conducive conditions, corrective actions all with a specific date range.

Service Reports
All service reports are electronic and stored in chronological order. Recording the smallest detail.

Site Maps
Detailed facility map with; interior rodent devices, exterior rodent devices, insect light traps, temporary devices, and pheromone monitoring devices are up to date with each service.

QA Inspections
Your service technician is on their hands and knees, in ceilings, on roofs and under equipment so they can spot issues you may not easily find.

All registration and regulatory certificates, including but not limited to: Insurance, State Licenses, GMP Training, Certified Applicators, Technician Licenses, and Business License.

Written IPM Program
Regions Pest will create a customized written IPM program. The IPM program will incorporate the requirements of your facility. We will implement this program through the training of your staff. Bird and wildlife managent are part of the written IPM program.

Annual & Quarterly Assessments
Facility assessments will evaluate the interior and exterior of your property. We will assess the effectiveness of the IPM program, corrective actions, and all documents.

Pesticide Usage Log
Product name, EPA registration number, target pest, rate of application, specific location, method of application, amount of product used, date, time, and signature of applicator are documented with each product application.